Unpacking Academic Standards
Unpacking Academic Standards
In this course, you will learn how and why standards exist, how to Prioritize Standards, create Learning Targets aligned to standards and benchmarks, and develop Success Criteria for Learning Targets. It is designed for both individuals and groups. Even if you have experience in standards work, it is advised to complete the full course as there may be gaps in prior training that may need to be filled.
This course contains a large amount of content! You may consider doing this course over multiple sessions to give yourself an opportunity to learn about the topics and apply that learning to the work related to it. Often times, this type of work is completed collaboratively during Professional Learning Community (PLC) time or an in-service.
Three and one-half hours of CEU's will be available to you from SWWC once you have completed the course. BOSA CEUs are available for administrators. CEUs have been awarded based on the minimum amount of time that you could spend in this session. Quite a few additional and optional resources have been included in the course, which may take you more time to explore, as well as any time you spend collaborating with other teachers and performing the work associated with unpacking the standards.
For information on group registration pricing please contact Dawn Christensen, dawn.christensen@swwc.org